Meghan Strickland | Flight Centre Independent | Home Based Travel Agent
Flight Centre Associates

Meghan Strickland

613 639 4952

Meghan's Blog


Posted on: Monday May 31, 2021
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Who wants some TRAVEL TIPS???

  This was a really fun post to write. I have a local Christmas show coming up, and I really wanted to have some more personal takeaways than just a pen and a new luggage tag - of course, I've got those too! What's a trade show without a new pen!?!?! 


But I really thought about what *I* wanted everyone to take away from my booth, and a little bit of knowledge or advice is never a bad thing. SO - a sneak peek - a few of my favourite travel tips. I have more, but these are the primo "you NEED to know this" top-six tidbits from your favourite frozen travel agent (it's -10c in Alberta today). 



#6 - Try something new. Whenever you go on vacation, try at least one new thing. Learn to scuba dive or snorkel in Cuba; swim with sea turtles in Mexico; ride horses on the beach in Punta Cana; climb a mountain in Peru. It can be as small as trying a local dish, or as huge as tackling Machu Picchu!


#5 - Travel with your kids. Don’t let being a parent keep you from enjoying a vacation. It only takes a little extra planning and consideration to make your next family trip a success. Plus, your local travel agent can do all the dirty work for you – from finding the best family-friendly airline, to a great all-inclusive resort with nanny service or a kids club... or even tracking down a condo with a full kitchen, bedroom for the baby and grocery delivery service!


#4 - Don't take your kids. Wait –what? I know, I know. I just suggested not leaving them home. Now I’m saying that sometimes it’s okay. Every so often, going without the kids is good for you. Sometimes, you just need to get away and connect – whether it’s with your significant other, your best friends, or even just re-connecting with yourself.


#3 - Unplug – Seriously. Instagram,Twitter, Facebook, Email. It will all wait. Now, you don't need to leave your phone at home. That’s silly. However, you didn’t travel thousands of miles and spend thousands of dollars to look at the world through a phone screen. Sure, take lots of pictures. We'd love to see them --- when you get home!


#2 - Go somewhere underrated. Lines, Crowds, Waiting, BO…. Sound like fun? Nah, I didn’t think so. Try to decide what you really want to do, and then find a way to do it somewhere less “touristy”. Similarly, hitting a popular destination in the off-season can save you hundreds (or thousands) of dollars, and hours in a queue line -- yep, I’m looking at you, Disney!



And Finally.....


#1 - Just GO, already! Going on vacation can actually enhance productivity when you get back. Don’t feel guilty. Banking your vacation time doesn’t make you a hero. But it does increase your chance of illness and sick leave. So take those vacations – and enjoy them! You've earned it.

Meghan Strickland

CFB Uplands, Ottawa, Ontario

Contact Number:
613 639 4952


About Meghan:

I run my personal travel business in partnership with a company known throughout Canada for wonderful travel experiences at amazing prices - Flight Centre

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  • address CFB Uplands, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada